BUY  CLONE CREDIT CARDS | How long is clone card valid

buy cloned cards overnight delivery, If the order you receive is giving codes below you will be given a replacement or a total REFUND. (You must provide receipt showing proof of this) 01 Call This mean Card is block and no longer usable 02 Call This mean also the card is block and no longer usable. 04 Hold-call or Pick Up Card This mean card is flagg and no longer usable

Card cloning online

05 Decline Do not honor. This mean card has either low balance or no longer usable. 07 Hold-call or Pick Up Card This mean card is also flagg and no longer usable. 12 Decline – Invalid Transaction This mean the customer has change there card and can not be use. 14 Card No. Error This mean the customer has change there card and can not be use. NB: do well to ask or a refund or request for a replacement . buy cloned cards overnight delivery, We are always available to attend to  all our clients at all time for our clients satisfaction is our main priority.